11 Following

Rene Hasekamp

I read books (and place a review here afterwards) in the following categories Mystery/Detective, British literature (mostly older books, from Gutenberg.org), Adventure, some Dutch lieterature and more.

My top favorite writers are John Galsworthy, Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens, but among my five-star reviews you will also find (debuts of) contemporary writers. A recent example is Gillian Flynn. I mostly read ebooks.


Currently reading

King Bhumibol Adulyadej: A Life's Work
Dominic Faulder, Nicholas Grossman
Progress: 96/400 pages
The Jacques Futrelle Megapack: 47 Tales of the Thinking Machine and Others
Jacques Futrelle
Progress: 905/1417 pages

Highly intelligentently written

The Girl on the Train (Movie Tie-In) - Paula Hawkins

This psychological thriller was written in a highly intelligent way. Three women play a role in it, and the chapters are written in the "I"  form by these three women. At the beginning of the chapter it is clear who wrote this one,  but it is not always clear who is "he" in that chapter. This gives  the author the opportunity to put the reader on the wrong leg. And this is done cleverly . But there are more tricks to put the reader on the wrong leg. In this book nothing is what it seems, and also this aspect is cleverly used. Anyway there are many surprises and many certainties have to be reconsidered. Probably  the best book I have read for years.