11 Following

Rene Hasekamp

I read books (and place a review here afterwards) in the following categories Mystery/Detective, British literature (mostly older books, from Gutenberg.org), Adventure, some Dutch lieterature and more.

My top favorite writers are John Galsworthy, Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens, but among my five-star reviews you will also find (debuts of) contemporary writers. A recent example is Gillian Flynn. I mostly read ebooks.


Currently reading

King Bhumibol Adulyadej: A Life's Work
Dominic Faulder, Nicholas Grossman
Progress: 96/400 pages
The Jacques Futrelle Megapack: 47 Tales of the Thinking Machine and Others
Jacques Futrelle
Progress: 905/1417 pages
Tender Is the Night - F. Scott Fitzgerald I had seen a tv series after this book a long time ago, and that series left a good impression with me. Now, many years later, I have read the book, and I must say that it disappointed me. The story simply could not grip me and I even had some difficulty in finishing the book. The three stars I gave are also baded on my impression by the tv series. For the book only I would probably just give two stars.