11 Following

Rene Hasekamp

I read books (and place a review here afterwards) in the following categories Mystery/Detective, British literature (mostly older books, from Gutenberg.org), Adventure, some Dutch lieterature and more.

My top favorite writers are John Galsworthy, Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens, but among my five-star reviews you will also find (debuts of) contemporary writers. A recent example is Gillian Flynn. I mostly read ebooks.


Currently reading

King Bhumibol Adulyadej: A Life's Work
Dominic Faulder, Nicholas Grossman
Progress: 96/400 pages
The Jacques Futrelle Megapack: 47 Tales of the Thinking Machine and Others
Jacques Futrelle
Progress: 905/1417 pages

This Body of Death: An Inspector Lynley Novel

This Body of Death - Elizabeth  George This was the first book by Elizabeth George that I have read. Although I have seen most of the BBC tv movies, the books appear to be a quite different experience. This book is very long, but in my opinion it becomes better and better the further you get into it. And if you look at my progress, you can see that I was reading it faster and faster. In the beginning of the book many lines are opened, to my taste in fact a few too many. Things became a bit confusing then and I wondered where it would lead to. The building of the tension starts a bit late. But of course eventually all the many lines come together and a good climax gives the solution to the mystery.I have read quite a few negative remarks about the book here, but I cannot agree with them. Somebody even says that "we all know who the killer is by page 300". Well, I did not know it by then. I think the story is good and surprising up to the end. The most I can say is that I suspected involvement of certain characters. It is also good to see Lynley back. He is not the principal character in the book, but he get some of te best ideas in solving the murder. The weaker lines in the plot and the sometimes a bit slow pace have not influenced my opinion greatly. I give this book four stars. And I will certainly read more by this author.